Monday, January 30, 2023

DyDx Coin overview

 dYdX is a decentralized exchange (DEX) that provides trading services for crypto assets and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). It leverages smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain to facilitate secure, transparent and trustless trading. Users can trade a variety of cryptocurrencies on the platform, and the exchange is designed to offer high performance, low latency and low fees.

Uniswap is leading dex right now but for leverage trading 

Dydx gaining more attention nowdays. 

dYdX and Uniswap are both decentralized exchanges (DEXs) that run on the Ethereum blockchain and allow for trading of cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, they differ in several key ways:

  1. Trading Model: Uniswap uses an automated market maker (AMM) model, while dYdX uses an order book based model.

  2. Trading Pairs: Uniswap offers trading pairs for any token listed on the Ethereum network, while dYdX is more focused on providing a platform for trading a smaller number of assets with higher liquidity.

  3. Features: dYdX offers additional trading features such as margin trading, options trading and short selling, which are not available on Uniswap.

  4. Security: Both platforms employ smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for security, however dYdX may be considered more secure as it has implemented additional security measures such as multi-sig wallets for holding funds.

Ultimately, both platforms have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them will depend on the individual needs and preferences of the trader.

Dydx price chart showing bullish momentum .

According to the forecast, DYDX coin is predicted to increase over the coming years. The data prediction forecast that DYDX coin is expected to rise to $8.52 by the end of 2023, $9.25 in 2024, $10.30 in 2025, $10.85 in 2025, $11.65 in 2027, $14.05 in 2028, and $18.25 in 2029.

A maximum perpetual inflation rate of 2.00% per year will increase the supply of DYDX beginning after five years, ensuring the community continues to have the resources to continue contributing to the Protocol.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Polkadot analysis as a long term investment


Here are the key characteristics of Polkadot:

  1. Multi-chain architecture: Polkadot allows for the interoperability of multiple chains and technologies, enabling them to work together as one.

  2. Scalability: The network is designed to be scalable and handle high volumes of transactions and data.

  3. Relay Chain: The relay chain acts as the central coordinating layer in the network, connecting all the other chains and enabling inter-chain communication.

  4. Flexibility: The network supports multiple types of blockchains, including public, private, and consortium chains.

  5. Governance: Polkadot has a built-in governance mechanism that allows for changes to be made to the network through a decentralized decision-making process.

  6. Token economy: The DOT token is used for network governance, staking, and payment for transactions and network fees.

  7. Security: The network uses a consensus mechanism that provides strong security guarantees, protecting against 51% attacks and other forms of malicious behavior. Adoption: If the network continues to gain traction and attract new users, the demand for DOT tokens could increase, potentially leading to a higher price.

Etherium Vs Polkadot key difference

Polkadot Blockchain Overview

Polkadot is a blockchain platform that allows interoperability between different blockchain networks. It aims to offer a unified network where different blockchain networks can exchange information and assets seamlessly and securely. The platform uses a unique consensus mechanism called "Nominated Proof-of-Stake" and supports various use cases including decentralized finance, gaming, and identity management.


Ethereum is a blockchain platform that enables the creation of decentralized applications (dapps) and smart contracts. It was launched in 2015 and has since become one of the most widely used blockchain platforms. Ethereum is based on a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, which secures the network by having nodes solve complex mathematical problems to validate transactions and add them to the blockchain. Ethereum's token, Ether (ETH), is used as a currency for transactions and fees on the network. The platform has been instrumental in the development of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications and has a large and active development community. 

Polkadot and Ethereum differ in several key aspects:

1) Interoperability: Polkadot is designed to enable interoperability between different blockchain networks, whereas Ethereum is a single blockchain network.

2) Scalability: Polkadot aims to offer better scalability than Ethereum by allowing multiple blockchains to run in parallel, which can help to reduce network congestion and improve transaction processing speeds.

3) Consensus mechanism: Ethereum uses a Proof-of-Work consensus mechanism, while Polkadot uses Nominated Proof-of-Stake. The latter aims to be more energy-efficient and faster.

4) Development ecosystem: Ethereum has a large and established development ecosystem, while Polkadot is relatively new and still building its ecosystem.

5) Use cases: Ethereum has a focus on decentralized finance and smart contracts, while Polkadot aims to support a wider range of use cases, including decentralized finance, gaming, and identity management.

6) Token economics: Ethereum has a single token (ETH) that is used for both network security and as a currency for transactions and fees, whereas Polkadot has two tokens: DOT and KSM, with different roles and functions

South Korea to deploy cryptocurrency tracking system in 2023


South Korea to deploy cryptocurrency tracking system in 2023

Sami GujjarJan 29, 2023 • 2 min read

The Ministry of Justice in South Korea announced plans to introduce a crypto-tracking system to counter money laundering initiatives and recover funds linked to criminal activities.

The “Virtual Currency Tracking System” will be used to monitor transaction history, extract information related to transactions and check the source of funds before and after remittance, according to local media outlet khgames.

While the system is slated to be deployed in the first half of 2023, the South Korean ministry shared plans to develop an independent tracking and analysis system in the second half of the year. A rough translation of the ministry’s statement reads:

“In response to the sophistication of crime, we will improve the forensic infrastructure (infrastructure). We will build a criminal justice system that meets international standards (global standards).”

The South Korean police previously established an agreement with five local crypto exchanges to cooperate in criminal investigations and ultimately create a safe trading environment for crypto investors.

The South Korean Supreme Court ruled that crypto exchange Bithumb must pay damages to investors over a 1.5-hour service outage on Nov. 12, 2017.

The finalized ruling from the supreme court ordered damages ranging from as little as $6 to around $6,400 be paid to the 132 investors involved.

“The burden or the cost of technological failures should be shouldered by the service operator, not [the] service users who pay commission for the service,” the court stated.

Reason behind Solana blockchain failure

 If you’ve been involved in the digital currency space for more than a few years, you’ve seen your fair share of hype cycles. From IOTA to EOS, to XRP, to Solana, there’s always a new killer blockchain that’s going to change everything. Speculators flock to them, pumping token prices by thousands of percent, but inevitably, it all comes crashing down or fades into insignificance as technical limitations come up against reality.

This year, Solana has been the main hype train in the digital currency space. Yet, some month ago, the Solana blockchain came to a grinding halt, the developers hit the off button, and the entire ecosystem froze in space and time as Solana devs tried to figure out what had gone wrong.

Like most events in this space, the large media outlets owned by the Digital Currency Group and others largely ignored it or downplayed its significance, and a stream of misinformation promoted by those who stand to gain from Solana’s token price remaining high flooded social media channels.

So, what really happened? Why did Solana implode? And what does it mean for its future?

What happened to the Solana blockchain?

According to an official Twitter statement from Solana Status, the network experienced an increase in transactions that peaked at 400k per second. These transactions allegedly flooded the transaction processing queue and caused the network to fork. In turn, the forking led to excessive memory consumption and knocked some nodes offline.

This is tech-speak for the blockchain crashed and burned because it couldn’t handle the heat and is poorly designed. So, what did the Solana validator community do? They turned it off and on again, just like what happens when you call tech support because your Wi-Fi isn’t working properly.

This raises serious questions about Solana’s key claims, namely that it is fast, secure, and censorship-resistant, some of the favorite buzzwords in the digital currency industry. If validators can switch the network off, in what way is Solana censorship resistant? And how can it claim to be secure when a large number of transactions caused it to fail spectacularly?

Yet, it’s not even clear if Solana really did experience such a large volume of transactions. Justin Bons, founder of Cyber Capital, called Solana out on social media and claimed the large transaction volume explanation was a lie. According to Bons, the on-chain evidence does not support these claims.

What is Aptos blockchan?

 Aptos is a blockchain-based platform that aims to improve supply chain management by providing transparency and traceability for goods as they move through the supply chain. The platform uses smart contracts and other blockchain technology to create a decentralized and secure system for tracking the movement of goods, from the manufacturer to the end consumer. The goal of Aptos is to increase efficiency, reduce costs, and promote trust in the supply chain.

Solana blockchain fail to delver because hacking issue in blockchain bridges.

Aptos called as solana killer hopes alive aptos can deliver.

comparision of both.

Solana is a high-performance blockchain platform that aims to provide fast, low-cost transactions for decentralized applications. It uses a unique consensus mechanism called "Proof of Stake Time" to achieve high throughput and low latency. Aptos is a blockchain-based platform that aims to improve supply chain management by providing transparency and traceability for goods as they move through the supply chain using smart contracts and other blockchain technology.

While both Solana and Aptos use blockchain technology, they have different primary focus and use cases. Solana focuses on providing a high-performance blockchain platform for decentralized applications, while Aptos focuses on improving supply chain management.

XRP 10TH FEB analysis after recent crash

Chart by TradingView Ripple (XRP) Ripple also suffered in the past seven days, losing 6% of its valuation. Buyers have retreated at the 36...